Woman claims she was beaten, stabbed, punched and raped daily by demons who possessed her

Abby claims that for over a decade, she was possessed by demons, including two who would stab, punch and rape her daily. She says she went through three exorcisms which rid her of the demons, but now, she says she suffers debilitating PTSD episodes where she relives the possession.

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“The PTSD episodes have taken over my life,” Abby says. “When I’ve gone out in public, I have had episodes, and it is quite embarrassing. One time, I was at a bar with my sister, Cassandra, and when I woke up, all the patrons were around me trying to give me water and very concerned. I feel totally stuck. These episodes are destroying my life.”

WATCH: Woman Says Daughter Has Had Three Exorcisms To ‘Rid The Demons From Inside Of Her’

In the video above, hear Abby describe the two different kinds of episodes she says she has and what happens to her body. And on Thursday’s episode of Dr. Phil, see what happens when she has an episode onstage. Is there hope for Abby? Check here to see where you can watch.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Is Dr. Phil your only hope?
