This shirtless, pink tutu-wearing streaker won the Olympics

Now that they’re almost over, we can admit it: The Winter Olympics are – *whispers* – kind of boring.

It’s not that they’re uneventful. It’s not that the athletes aren’t incredible, powerful, graceful, sometimes heroic. It’s not that the races aren’t dramatic. It’s just that most of them, for the uninitiated viewer, are repetitive and monotonous compared to other sports.

But you know what’s not monotonous? THIS GUY:

Yep, that’s the glorious sight to which spectators at the Olympic speed skating track were treated on Friday. And that’s not the only picture we have of our latest Olympic hero:

A fan – is that the right word? – hopped over a railing from the stands and onto the ice. And apparently he thought he was at a figure skating event, not a speed skating one.

Unfortunately, he looked significantly less graceful on video than he did in still photos:

Fair play to our streaker friend, though. He did remarkably well to conceal his costume. And his clothed-to-unclothed time was off the charts.

Oh, and the costume itself, combined with the “PEACE + LOVE” body paint … just fantastic. (We won’t mention what was below the tutu.)

Did this guy win the Olympics? OK, maybe not. But he’s one of many heroes. And he’s one we can all get behind.
