Florida shooting survivor flawlessly refutes paid actor conspiracy theory

Florida shooting survivor flawlessly refutes paid actor conspiracy theory

In the days following the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, many of the students who survived the carnage have become vocal about their desires for stricter gun control laws.

In response, members of the far right have invented wild conspiracy theories that a few of the students who have been featured prominently in the media are paid "crisis actors" who are linked to the FBI.

Many of the accused students have spoken out to defend themselves, but perhaps none had as clever of a response as Cameron Kasky.

During a recent interview, CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked Kasky what he would say to the conspiracy theorists who claim he is a paid actor.

"Well," Kasky replied, "if you had seen me in our school's production of 'Fiddler on the Roof,' you would know that nobody would pay me to act for anything."

The response left Blitzer momentarily speechless.

"'Fiddler on the Roof' is a great — who did you play, by the way, in 'Fiddler on the Roof?'" Blitzer proceeded to ask the teen.

"I was Motel, and I have to tell you, what we've seen so far is a 'Miracle of Miracles,'" he said, invoking one of the play's most iconic songs to describe the Parkland community's inspiring response to the shooting.
