NASA is planning to send a submarine to explore the depths of Saturn's sea-covered moon Titan

Probes and satellites are so passe, so NASA is upping the ante and thinking about sending a submarine into space.

After NASA’s Cassini space probe found the huge liquid body known as Kraken Mare on Saturn's moon Titan, scientists became anxious to explore it. Now, they may finally get their chance.

Researchers have begun an ambitious plan to create a kind of submarine that would be able to carry out detailed investigations under the surface of Titan.

Any life that may exist down there would have to be pretty tough, as Titan's lakes and rivers contain a lethal mixture of methane and ethane.

NASA has mapped out a conceptual design for the submarine, which it hopes will be ready to pursue the bold mission in 20 years.

The University of Washington has built a test chamber that is able to simulate the super cold temperatures the submarine would face in the Kraken sea.

If the mission does come to fruition, it will represent a new frontier for space exploration.

RELATED: See photos of Saturn's rings taken by Cassini:
