Tomi Lahren apologizes to Joe Kennedy after SOTU response

Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren walked back some of her crude comments about Congressman Joe Kennedy, who gave the Democratic rebuttal to the State of the Union Tuesday.

“If you haven’t yet had the displeasure of watching that little limp d--k’s response to President Trump’s State of the Union, I suggest you take some Pepto-Bismol or some Midol or whatever you need to do to get through it, because it was pathetic and it was embarrassing,” Lahren said in a now-deleted Instagram video.

After backlash, the conservative commentator deleted the video and apologized on her Twitter, a verified account with 992,000 followers that she has boasted helps her influence.

“My comments on my personal Instagram about Kennedy’s response were inappropriate and I take full responsibility for that,” she wrote.

“I got too upset. I sincerely apologize.”

Lahren, who frequently appears on Sean Hannity’s show, did leave up an Instagram story in she referred to Kennedy as a “little ginger nerd.”

Fox News directed the Daily News to Lahren’s tweet when asked for a comment.
