Joe Scarborough: ‘Vladimir Putin has something on Donald Trump’

Joe Scarborough closed out the week with a reminder that for all the little scandals surrounding President Donald Trump, Americans shouldn’t lose sight of what he considers the big one — Trump and Russia.

“Vladimir Putin has something on Donald Trump,” said Scarborough on Friday’s “Morning Joe.” “Let me say it again, because there’s been a lot of noise from Donald Trump over the past year since he’s been president. Vladimir Putin has something that he is holding over Donald Trump’s head.”

The MSNBC host did not speculate as to what that might be, but he might well have been referring to a number of salacious claims made in the infamous Trump dossier, first published by BuzzFeed roughly one year ago.

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Scarborough said the most recent Trump scandal, that his lawyer paid an adult film star $130,000 to stay quiet during his presidential run about an affair years earlier, was part of a broader panoply of insanity meant to “numb” Americans to the Trump-Putin story — whatever it turns out to be.

“He’s hoping when the truth comes out about what Vladimir Putin has and has had hanging over his head for decades, possibly, that we will all be too numb to notice,” said Scarborough.

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“Ten tweets a day, five lies a day, bread and circuses, all of these game show, reality show distractions,” he added. “That’s all he’s hoping. He wants to numb the American people. He wants to numb the electorate. He wants to numb everybody.”

It was a classic Scarborough monologue running more than five minutes
