Porn star deflates Marla Maples' 'best sex' tale about Trump

Take it from a pro: Donald Trump’s bedroom skills were overrated by Marla Maples.

Porn star Stormy Daniels suggested in a 2016 chat with a reporter that Trump did not measure up to the boast of his second wife as once splashed across the New York Post.

Photos of Daniels:

Maples was quoted in a 1991 page one headline as bragging to friends that Trump delivered “the best sex I’ve ever had.”

But Slate’s Jacob Weisberg writes that Daniels didn’t share the opinion: “She intimated that her view of his sexual skill was at odds with the remark attributed to Marla Maples.”

The detail emerged Tuesday in a Slate story recounting how Daniels was shopping the steamy tale of her year-long affair with Trump just before Election Day 2016.

At that point, it appeared the GOP candidate had bought her silence.

“About a week before the election, Daniels stopped responding to calls and text messages,” writes Weisberg, who spent three months chasing the story.

“A friend of hers told me Daniels had said she’d taken the money from Trump after all.”

The accuracy of the Maples’ quote had come under question previously over the years.

In 2011, in an interview with — of all people — Billy Bush of “Access Hollywood,” Maples suggested that she was perhaps misquoted.

“Did I ever say it?” she said with a laugh. “I don’t want to destroy him. Maybe I whispered it somewhere along the way? But not for public domain.”

Weisberg’s piece focused on the machinations of his efforts to get Daniels on the record about the 2006-07 affair with Trump — and the supposed payoff by The Donald to keep her quiet.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that $130,000 changed hands to seal the deal and her lips. The White House has flatly denied the allegation.

Daniels told the Slate reporter that Trump had broken promises to buy her a condo in Tampa, Fla., and to make her a contestant on his hit television show “Celebrity Apprentice.”

She was also irate over Trump’s political stance opposing gay marriage and abortion — although her concerns were apparently erased by the promise of a six-figure payout.

RELATED: Photos of Trump and Marla Maples:
