The Taj Mahal may cut the number of daily visitors in half

Considered one of the new seven wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal is breathtaking and upwards of 70,000 visitors make their way to see it every day, but authorities in India may soon limit guests to the country's most famous national treasure.

The Archaeological Survey of India, which protects India’s most visited landmarks, suggested limiting visitors through the gates of the Taj Mahal to just 40,000 a day.

That’s just over half of what the site regularly receives on an average Saturday or Sunday.

Recently, overcrowding at the site has led to several injuries, and too much foot-traffic is causing the site to degrade.

It is currently under a nine-year renovation which will restore some of its colors that have deteriorated due to pollution.

The planned restriction will only affect domestic tourists for the time being, but since other world wonders like Macchu Picchu are already beginning to limit how people visit, it might be wise to put the Taj Mahal at the top of your list of sites to see.

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