Convicted rapist freed after Facebook messages prove his innocence

A bombshell case makes world headlines as archived Facebook messages missed by police prove a man’s innocence.

In 2013, Derby, England native, Danny Kay, was convicted of rape and spent more than three years in prison after prosecutors used an ‘edited’ conversation on Facebook between him and his accuser.

The selectively edited Facebook messages appeared to show Kay apologizing for having sex without his accuser’s consent.

After a fellow inmate convinced him the Facebook messages could be recovered, Kay’s sister-in-law, Sarah Maddison, reportedly found the archived conversation on his Facebook account supporting his side of the story within minutes.

The full Facebook exchange showed that Danny Kay was apologizing for ignoring his accuser, not raping her.

England’s Court of Appeal in London ruled that the police had relied on an “edited and misleading” account of the conversation.

The Derbyshire Police stated that they will be reviewing the investigation to find out whether lessons can be learned.

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