Greek yogurt could be used to fuel jets

Greek Yogurt isn’t just good for your health. Turns out it may also help the environment! A new study published in Joule says Greek Yogurt creates food waste that could one day be used in jet-fuel.

The liquid whey that’s left behind can be transformed into bio-oil which could be used in biofuels or even as an additive in livestock feed.The bio-oil is made from caprioc and caprylic acid which is similar to the way bacteria in our bodies convert food into acid.

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Experts believe the oil can eventually be refined into biofuels for jets. However, they say there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. For now, the acids in the bio-oil can be used as “green antimicrobials,” which could replace antibiotics in livestock.

Newsweek reports that the green antimicrobials could be key for the health of agricultural animals and preventing diseases from becoming resistant to drugs.
