Study: Heavy mouthwash use linked to higher risk of type 2 diabetes

Could obsessing over fresh breath lead to needing insulin shots?

A new study out of Harvard University makes a baffling connection between mouthwash and type 2 diabetes.

While mouthwash kills off the bacteria that create bad breath and cause cavities, they can also smother good bacteria. One of the good bacteria mouthwash can kill is nitric oxide, which is important for regulating the metabolism and blood sugar levels - a major factor in diabetes.

Of the 1,206 people who participated in the study, the researchers found those who used mouthwash two or more times per day were 55 percent more likely to develop diabetes over a three year period.

The British Dental Association does not list mouthwash as an essential component to good oral health, and the American Dental Association warns while mouthwash “may be a helpful addition to the daily oral hygiene routine for some people,” it is “not a replacement for daily brushing and flossing.”

"This may mean you need to cut back on the mouthwash, but for all of our sakes, please don't stop brushing!"

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