It may surprise you what type of music psychopaths prefer


If Hollywood had you thinking that all psychos only listen to Huey Lewis and the News, you'd be dead wrong.

A recent study out of NYU has attempted to answer the question of what music psychopaths prefer listening to.

Contrary to pop-cultural beliefs, psychopathy actually refers to a lack of empathy and higher levels of manipulativeness. These are traits that can be measured.

Researchers tested nearly 200 students and filtered out those with the highest levels of psychopathy. They then had them listen to a wide range of songs and rate them.

Songs among the most liked by psychopathic students were "Lose Yourself" by Eminem and "What Do You Mean" by Justin Bieber.

Meanwhile, the Dire Straits band and "My Sharona" by The Knack tended to be the most disliked by the same group.

Perhaps be careful around anyone with Bieber fever.

RELATED: Justin Bieber through the years
