One 'zombie star' seems to keep coming back from the dead

A zombie star has scientists puzzled as it appears to have exploded and then come back to life several times and may be the first of its kind.

Scientists at Las Cumbres Observatory in California first observed the supernova known as iPTF14hls in 2014.

Usually, when a supernova occurs, it means a star has died but will typically remain bright for around 100 days after the explosion.

However, according to the study published in the journal Nature, this supernova began to dim and then brighten again over the course of 600 days.

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The star was 50 times more massive than our sun and it may be the largest supernova explosion ever observed.

While scientists have a theory that the star is partially exploding but keeps its inner core in tact, they really don’t have an answer to explain the phenomena.

For now, the team will continue to monitor the explosion and get a better look at it as the light fades and the supernova expands.
