There could be a link between c-sections and obesity

A new finding from researchers from the New York University School of Medicine reveals children born via C-section could have a higher risk of being overweight.

The research conducted on mice found that those born via C-section gained an average of 33 percent more weight compared to those born vaginally.

Females delivered by C-section actually gained 70 percent more weight.

The reason could be an imbalance in the gut bacteria. The bacterial population in vaginally born mice evolved normally while C-section mice not only gained weight but also had colonies of gut bugs that did not follow the usual progression path.

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The Lead researcher, Dr. Maria Dominguez-Bello, explained that even though C-sections are procedures necessary in 10 to 15 percent of births to avoid the death of the mother, child, or both, some regions of the world perform them 43 percent of the time.

In the U.S. 32 percent of births are C-sections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The study could link the rise In C-sections with obesity and type 1 diabetes, but more research needs to done to determine if certain bacteria can protect against obesity.
