Gorka says Weinstein should've followed Pence's rules for meeting women

Ex-White House aide Sebastian Gorka thinks Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment scandal could’ve been avoided if he’d followed Vice President Mike Pence’s rules for meeting with women.

On Twitter, while addressing the allegations of sexual misconduct made against the Hollywood heavyweight, Gorka referenced Pence.

Gorka tweeted: "If Weinstein had obeyed @VP Pence's rules for meeting with the opposite sex, none of those poor women would ever have been abused."

A Washington Post article in March revived Pence’s 2002 comments to The Hill when he said he won’t eat alone with a woman who isn’t his wife or attend events where alcohol is served without her either.

In the wake of reports in the New York Times and the New Yorker alleging rape and sexual harassment by Weinstein — his wife, Georgina Chapman, told PEOPLE she’s leaving him.

RELATED: Harvey Weinstein in recent years
