Study says Great Barrier Reef is coming back from the dead


See those little white spheres in this coral? Those are eggs and they’re a pretty big deal. Scientists say they are signs that Australia’s Great Barrier Reef may be coming back to life.

According to the Daily Mail, the corals of the Great Barrier Reef have undergone two successive bleaching events. Once in 2016 and once earlier this year. Coral bleaching is a process where coral loses essential algae and turn white, due to ocean temperatures.

RELATED: Marine life in coral reefs

Corals can recover if the temperature drops, but severely bleached corals die. This raised experts’ concerns about the ability for reefs to survive under global warming induced events. But a coral reef survey in September showed these little eggs and new hope for the reefs!

The researchers still need to analyze the data but say they have observed significant recovery.
