Details surface on Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock's lewd habits


A man who claims to have been a friend of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock has spoken out to reveal his disturbing, lascivious behavior.

Australian businessman Adam Le Fevre told A Current Affair that he used to be in a relationship with Liza Werner, whose sister, Marilou Danley, was a longtime girlfriend of Paddock.

RELATED: Here's what we know about Stephen Paddock:

Le Fevre said he became friends with Paddock after the four had gone on vacation together, once to Las Vegas in 2015 and twice to Danley's native country of the Philippines.

But despite their alleged friendship, Le Fevre painted a disturbing portrait of the relationship between Marilou Danley and Paddock, insinuating that the couple was far from happy.

"Marilou, a lovely woman, seemed very nervous and jittery around Steve," he told A Current Affair. "He would talk to her in a condescending way and, while I was concerned, I thought it was part of his nature."

Le Fevre described the 2015 trip he took to Vegas with Paddock, stating that his status as a "high roller" on the Strip earned them accommodations in "out of this world, penthouse suites like you wouldn't believe."

"He was very much a calculated person," he noted of Paddock's gambling success. "Everything he did seemed to be planned with precision."

When asked if Paddock had ever taken advantage of prostitutes offered to him by Vegas hotels and casinos, Le Fevre responded, "I did have no questions that some of those offers had been accepted, yes."

The Aussie also said that during their 2015 vacation to Las Vegas, the group took a side trip to Paddock and Danley's home in Mesquite, Nevada, where Le Fevre had a telling exchange with the future shooter.

Le Fevre claimed that Paddock had a "gun room" at his house and became agitated and defensive when his friend asked him about the United States Constitutional right to bear arms.

"I raised that question with Steve and it’s something that he came back at me with an incredible degree of vigor," Le Fevre told the outlet. "He was very strict and very firm on the fact that it’s a right. It’s the freedom of every American to participate, to own a gun and use it… when need be."

Although Le Fevre made multiple damning claims about Paddock in the interview, he was adamant that Marilou Danley had absolutely no knowledge of her boyfriend's evil plot.

"I believe if she had the slightest inkling something was not right, she would have shared that with her family and would have potentially been able to make a change," he said.

These are the victims of the Las Vegas shooting:
