Trump administration denies 25 animal species endangered protection

The Trump Administration said that 25 species on the decline would not be listed as endangered, saying it “is not warranted at this time.”

But USA Today says environmental groups are particularly worried about the Pacific walrus, one of the species that was rejected to be called endangered.

They say that because of the extensive loss of Arctic sea ice, the Walrus is losing its habitat.

RELATED: Eight species on the brink of endangerment

However, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service apparently can’t say for sure that the Pacific walrus is close to endangered due to its loss of habitat.

Noah Greenwald, endangered species director at the Center for Biological Diversity says the Trump Administration is “putting profits ahead of protecting endangered species”.

While Alaskan Senator Lisa Murkowski applauded the move saying that “...the population of Pacific walrus is robust and healthy, and has proven that it can adapt to the changing conditions in the Arctic."

Greenwald calls Murkowski’s findings “bogus” and asserts that all 25 species not listed "are now one step closer to extinction.”

RELATED: Endangered species around the world
