SEE IT: Johnson & Johnson heiress Jazz Johnson-Merton tries to kick horse during Hamptons riding competition


Johnson & Johnson heiress Jazz Johnson-Merton was caught trying to kick her horse after she tumbled to the ground competing in the Hampton Classic on Sept. 1.

Video from the Classic appears to show Johnson-Merton, 36, fall off her horse, Joe Cool, after a jump, and kick at the horse’s belly from the ground, The Chronicle of the Horse reported.

The competition’s judges, Mike Rosser and Chris Wynne, described the incident.

“She got up, lost her temper and tried to kick the horse in the stomach,” Wynne said.

“I’m not sure she made contact, but then she trotted the horse out of the ring, in hand, and I watched her from the judge’s booth go into the schooling area to see if she was going to do something, and she didn’t,” he said.

The horse appeared to be uninjured.

Johnson-Merton mounted her horse and jumped two more jumps after the incident, Wynne said.

Wynne described the incident to the show’s stewards, who reported it to the United States Equestrian Federation.

Wynne called the incident “unsportsmanlike” but claimed the horse wasn’t hurt.

The stewards’ report also denied that any animal abuse had taken place.

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The USEF confirmed that the incident had been reported to the organization.

Julian McPeak, its director of marketing and communications, said USEF was “aware of the incident with Ms. Johnson at the Hampton Classic.”

The organization is reviewing the report.

Johnson-Merton co-authored “The Social Climber’s Bible”, and has won top horse shows in the Amateur Owner Hunter division, according to the author’s bio.

She’s described as “an insider in that rarefied world fans of Gossip Girl and Downton Abbey dream about, and social climbers of all ages want to belong to.”

She also claims membership at “the most exclusive clubs in the world.”
