Thousand-year-old viking sword found by reindeer hunter

A reindeer hunter in the mountains of Norway discovered a viking sword from over 1,000 years ago.

Fox News says that the sword was found in late August and was brought to the attention of the Glacier Archeological Program at the Oppland County Council.

Researchers believe the sword to be around 1,100 years old and the its incredible condition is a testament to the quality of Viking iron.

Although because of the inhospitable terrain it was found in, there is still some confusion as to what the viking was doing so high up and how he died.

They speculate that he may have died from exposure, but say it is a mystery as to why he was traveling in the high mountains with only a sword.

Retreating glaciers and ice patches have revealed several new artifacts in Oppland County.

In 2016, archeologists unearthed the church where Viking King Olaf Haraldsson was first enshrined as a saint.
