Woman accused of stealing 36,000 amusement park tickets from her job

One million dollars in amusement park tickets were stolen by a woman from Staten Island, according to prosecutors.

How did Rosemarie Bader do it? Well, Bader worked for Best Trails and Travel Corporation in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

According to the New York Daily News, part of her job was to coordinate amusement park packages.

She would order tickets with the company credit card and then put them in a safe under her desk that only she could access.

She reportedly stole more than 36,000 tickets to Six Flags Great Adventure and Dorney Park.

Prosecutors said the tickets were redeemed at the two parks.

It’s still unclear if she went into business on her own and sold them.

Eventually her scam caught up with her. The company realized she was ordering far more tickets than the bus had seats.

She faces up to 25 years in prison if convicted.

RELATED: Hidden costs of amusement parks
