'Yes, You're Racist' Twitter account identifies those who protested in Charlottesville

White nationalists who attended the Charlottesville rally over the weekend have been named and shamed online -- costing at least one man his job.

A Twitter account dubbed "Yes, You're Racist," has been leading a drive on social media to identify and expose far-right protesters who gathered at the "Unite the Right" rally that quickly turned deadly Saturday as white nationalists clashed with protesters at Emancipation Park.

Images of white supremacist protesters violently clashing with counter protesters:

The rally ultimately resulted in the death of Heather Heyer, 32, when a reported "white supremacist" rammed his car into a crowd of demonstrators.

"If you recognize any of the Nazis marching in #Charlottesville, send me their names/profiles and I'll make them famous #GoodNightAltRight," the @YesYoureRacist profile tweeted Saturday.

Cole White, who was one of dozens of demonstrators who attended the rally, was among the first to be highlighted on the Twitter account.

Hours after being exposed, the account later tweeted that White "no longer has a job" at Top Dog, a California restaurant where he was employed.

An email statement to the East Bay Times confirmed: "Effective Saturday, August 12, Cole White no longer works at Top Dog."

SEE ALSO: Here's what we know about James Fields, the man accused of mowing down protesters in Charlottesville

Peter Cvjetanovic, 20, a political science student, was also identified on social media after photos emerged of him screaming and holding a torch at the rally.

The college student was also discovered to have been photographed alongside U.S. Republican Senator Dean Heller, who later claimed he did not know Cvjetanovic and condemned the "racism" in Charlottesville.

Cvjetanovic told KTVN that he wasn't racist, however, and was shocked by the backlash he received for his participation in the rally.

"I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was. I understand the photo has a very negative connotation, Cvjetanovic told the station. "But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I'm not the angry racist they see in that photo."

See more people identified by the account: