President Trump's ban on transgender people in the military estimated to cost $960 million

A new study indicates that the cost of discharging and replacing transgender people in the United States military will be steep, coming in at around $960 million dollars, according to the The Palm Center -- a public policy think tank.

The study follows President Trump's announcement from a few weeks back stating that transgender americans will be banned from military service.

"Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender [soldiers] in the military would entail," Trump tweeted.

Reactions to Trump's ban on transgender people in the military:

Currently there are 12,800 transgender service members in the military, and according to the The Palm Center's research, replacing and recruiting a soldier costs an average of $75,000 per person.

Compared to the average annual cost of transition related healthcare for transgender service members which is $656.

The report argued that if decisions on transgender personnel are based on financial considerations, the full financial impact of discharge must be taken into account.
