Newsweek's latest cover names Trump as 'Lazy Boy'

Newsweek's latest cover has a lot of people talking. And maybe not surprisingly, it features President Trump.

The cover titled "Lazy Boy" shows President Trump in a recliner chair with a bag of Cheetos watching TV.

"Donald Trump is bored and tired," the sub line reads. "Imagine how bad he'd feel if he did any work."

RELATED: President Trump's life inside the White House

The cover story was posted online by the magazine on Tuesday and serves as a harsh critique on Trump's work as president so far.

The article says that in his first six months as president, Trump found the time to post 1,029 tweets. The Newsweek cover is also just the latest magazine cover to show disapproval of Trump.

The New York Post recently came out with a cover depicting Trump's White House Cabinet as the cast of the TV show "Survivor." Unfortunately for Trump, the replacement of the heating and cooling systems in the West Wing while he heads to New Jersey for a three-week vacation may hurt his image as a hard worker inside the beltway.
