Man shoots 820-pound wild hog in his front yard

An Alabama man was shocked to find an unlikely, gigantic visitor lurking near his home.

According to WDHN, Wade Seago knew something was up with his pet schnauzer, Cruiser, started barking incessantly. On their 100-acre land in rural south Alabama, it's not unusual for the critter to bark at deer, raccoons or other creatures — but this was unusual.

As he got up to check on his dog, his daughter began to scream.

"I jumped up to see what was going on," Seago told the station. "I looked out the back window and saw nothing, so I ran to the front of the house where my daughter was looking out the window. I couldn't believe what I was seeing."

The dog corned a huge wild hog just five yards away from the front porch.

Seago said that it's not unusual for wild hogs to be around his home, but he's never seen one so close or so large.

"By the time I got in a position to shoot, the hog was about 12 yards away," he said. "Cruiser was out of my line to the hog so I fired."

It took three shots to take the hog down and the next day, Seago took it to Brooks Peanut Company and weighed it on the drive-thru scales, where tipped the scales at 820 pounds.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that feral hogs cause more than $800 million of damage in the United States every year.

"I didn't think twice about taking down this hog," Seago told the station. "I'd do it again tomorrow."
