Justin Trudeau meets baby Syrian refugee named Justin Trudeau

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met his namesake -- a two-month-old Syrian refugee named Justin Trudeau Adam Bilan -- last Saturday.

A Syrian couple, refugees in Canada, named their baby boy in the prime minister's honor for his efforts in helping their family seek refuge from their homeland.

RELATED: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau through the years

The baby's parents, Afraa and Muhammad Bilan, arrived in Canada last year as refugees escaping a war-ravaged Damascus with their two older children, CBC News reports.

As a way of showing gratitude to Prime Minister Trudeau for allowing Syrian refugees to enter the country, the couple named their newborn son, who was born on May 4, after the Canadian leader.

The family later met the prime minister at an event in Alberta on Saturday. His photographer, Adam Scotti, posted the images on Twitter.

"It was actually very good, it was amazing. I can't believe that I met the Prime Minster Justin Trudeau," Afraa Bilan told the Daily Mail.

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"He held [the baby] and he said, 'This is Justin-Trudeau,' and then he says, 'I appreciate that you named him after my name.'"

"We love this man, we appreciate him," she told the Toronto Star earlier this year.

"He helped a lot of refugees. He's the reason we are in Canada."
