Iraqi police paraded ISIS' favorite weapon around after recapturing Mosul

One of the most common and terrifying features of the close-quarters combat that has raged in Mosul since October was the suicide car bombs built and deployed by ISIS.

The car bombs — which were made of everything from Kia hatchbacks to bulldozers — were sent through city streets to target Iraqi positions, and ISIS often featured them prominently in propaganda videos.

This week, Iraqi federal police put 23 such vehicles on display.

The cars, mostly civilian models, had been equipped with thick metal armor and had small windows for drivers to see through. Most had been equipped with bombs, but one was rigged with a tank turret and gun that Iraqi officials said was meant to target military aircraft and ground troops.

Even as fierce pockets of ISIS resistance remain in the city, the Iraqi prime minister has declared victory. Below, you can see some of the improvised weaponry they faced in their nine-month struggle to recapture ISIS' last Iraqi stronghold.

See Also:

SEE ALSO: The US military has released the first footage of Marine artillery striking ISIS in Syria
