Half approve of Trump in counties that fueled his 2016 victory

President Trump's approval rating in counties that helped him win the 2016 presidential election currently stands at 50 percent, with a 46 percent saying they disapprove of his job in office.

According to NBC News and the Wall Street Journal, while Trump's approval rating stands at 50 percent in those counties, 29 percent strongly approving of him.

The sample for the poll was taken from 439 counties in 16 states including Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin — which either changed from supporting Barack Obama to Trump, or where Trump greatly outpaced Mitt Romney's performance in 2012.

Images of Donald Trump at 2017 Women's US Open:

The poll also revealed 46% disapprove of him and 35% disapprove strongly, that's including Republicans, Democrats and independents. Last month his approval rate was at 40 percent.

Trump on Sunday lashed out at new polling on Twitter calling a ABC/Washington Post Poll which showed him having a 36 percent approval rating "the most inaccurate poll around election time!"