Kellyanne Conway spars with morning hosts on Donald Trump Jr. meeting: Disclosure forms have been 'amended'

The White House counselor appeared Monday morning on CNN and ABC, where she faced questions on Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer.

The New York Times broke news over the weekend that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin-affiliated lawyer in June 2016 after being promised damaging information on Hillary Clinton. The meeting was reportedly also attended by former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Appearing on Good Morning America with George Stephanopoulos, Conway said "no information was received" from Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya that was "meaningful" or "helpful."

"As I understand it, George, some of the disclosure forms have been amended since that time to reflect other meetings including this one," Conway said. "These were vague and ambiguous statements, that Don Jr. was not aware of the lawyer's name before he got there, and that the conversation quickly changed to what seemed to be the entire purpose of that meeting for that woman -- which was Russian adoption."

RELATED: A look at Donald Trump Jr.

During a 35 minute interview with CNN's Chis Cuomo, Conway went toe-to-toe with the morning show host -- slamming Cuomo for his continued coverage of narratives tying President Trump and his inner circle to Russian actors.

"He added to the account of what happened in the meaningless meeting," Conway said of Donald Trump Jr.'s changing his statement on his June 2016 meeting with Veselnitskaya. "Do you think that anything you're talking about changed a single vote anywhere?"

"Aren't you the least bit reluctant, if not embarrassed that you now talk about Russia more than you talk about America?" Conway asked Cuomo.

"No!" Cuomo responded. "Kellyanne, this matters."

The New York Times notes that President Trump's eldest son first commented on the meeting, saying it was primarily about adoptions. One day later, he released a statement offering new details not previously disclosed.

"After pleasantries were exchanged, the woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Mrs. Clinton," The statement reads. "Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information."
