Protester arrested at GOP senator's office after alleged threat referencing GOP baseball shooting: 'We will get better aim'

A protester was arrested outside Sen. Jeff Flake's office in Tuscon, Arizona on Thursday after allegedly threatening a staffer, referencing June's GOP baseball practice shooting.

Sen. Flake's Communications Director Jason Samuels told KVOA that one man was arrested after making the following statement:

Protester: You know how liberals are going to solve the Republican problem?

Staffer: No.

Protester: They are going to get better aim. That last guy tried, but he needed better aim. We will get better aim.

Mark Prichard, 59, reportedly made the statement and was arrested for trespassing after he was warned by local officials not to return.

Click through images from the shooting at Congressional baseball practice:

The comments appear to be a reference to last month's GOP baseball practice shooting in Alexandria, Virginia that injured five people, including House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.).

Flake, who was at the baseball practice during the shooting, was unharmed in the incident. He was reportedly one of the first to help Scalise and the other shooting victims.

Following Prichard's arrest, another protester outside Flake's office, 70-year-old Patrick Diehl was arrested after he allegedly attempted to force his way into Flake's office when a staffer opened the door to hand out pamphlets.
