Trump, Putin to reportedly hold bilateral meeting in Germany


Presidents Trump and Putin will have an official bilateral meeting on Friday rather than simply engaging in a more casual discussion, CNN reported Tuesday.

It will be their first face-to-face meeting since Trump took office and will take place in Hamburg, Germany, where both leaders will be attending the G20 summit.

Both the White House and the Kremlin have confirmed the arrangement, but details about their agendas are, at this time, unclear.

Relations between Russia and the US have cooled over the past years for a number of reasons, including Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 election and sanctions the US placed upon the country in return.

It's anticipated that Russia will push for an easing of those retaliatory measures.

As Trump has been elusive about whether or not he believes Russia engaged in acts to interfere in the US election, his broaching of the topic during the meeting with Putin remains uncertain.

Nonetheless, there are multiple official Russia-related ongoing investigations.

As such, the Associated Press notes that the overall tone of the talk will be a subject of great interest to many.
