Video of raccoon riding the subway sparks serious debate

A video of a raccoon riding the subway in New York City has viewers shocked, upset and amused.

Subway rider Brooke Hogan told NBC 4 New York that she snapped the video on Tuesday.

The creature is seated next to a woman, who seems to be his owner, licking food quickly out of a small bowl.

It's not clear why the woman had the raccoon as some sort of pet in the first place — much less why she brought it on the subway.

People in New York are not allowed to have a raccoon without a license and licenses are not issued for pet wildlife, according to the city.

Luckily, the city's wildlife website says most raccoons do not transfer diseases to humans.The incidence of rabies in the population is very small. Many raccoons on Staten Island, Brooklyn and Queens have been vaccinated against rabies.

Still, you should not approach or feed a raccoon. They can become a nuisance, eating whatever is easily accessible, which can be inconvenient and even disgusting.

The popular Instagram account that documents strange creatures spotted on the New York City subway shared a video of the incident, which stirred up quite a bit of conversation in the comments section.

Watch the video here:
