New York Pride marchers target Trump, San Francisco parties

NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO, June 25 (Reuters) - Large crowds turned out for Pride marches on Sunday in New York City and San Francisco, the two U.S. places most associated with the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights movement, with the East Coast city bringing a more political flavor to the event sparked by events there almost 50 years ago.

A group of marchers heading down New York's Fifth Avenue carried photographs of Trump and his press secretary, Sean Spicer, as others waved banners bearing the word 'RESIST' and the rainbow flag of the Pride movement.

In contrast, a smattering of anti-Trump signs in San Francisco was drowned out by a desire to let loose. "It's too good a day to be upset about Trump," said Richard Babb, 66, of San Francisco.

Click through images Pride march in New York City:

In New York, Brad Hoylman, a Democratic lawmaker in the New York State Senate, said lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people were "under assault" by the Trump administration.

"He already rolled back rights for transgender students, for example, and the list is on and on," he said. "So we have a lot more work to do, that's why we are here today."

As a candidate, Trump promised to protect gay people. But his move in February to revoke the Obama administration's guidance letting transgender students choose which gender bathroom they use, and his executive order last month to promote "religious liberty" have been seen by some as discriminatory.

The New York march's grand marshals this year include the American Civil Liberties Union, which was chosen for its history of litigation defending gay rights; Brooke Guinan, a transgender woman who works as a firefighter in the city; and Geng Le, a gay rights activist in China.


The march route ends on Christopher Street in Manhattan's West Village in order to commemorate the riots that broke out there in 1969 after police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar, in an event seen as a turning point in the gay rights movement. One of the first Pride marches happened close by a year later.

In San Francisco, revelers had to pass through one of dozens of metal security detectors to get into the main plaza.

"Happy Pride everyone!" a security monitor yelled to the crowd, as people cheered and saluted. "Have fun today."

Two gay cousins attended the parade dressed in tutus and unicorn headbands.

"We see this as a party, not a political protest," Qiaira McPeters, 18, said. Despite that, McPeters said that she feels things for gay people have been getting worse.

"Gay people are getting beat up all the time," she said. (Writing by Jonathan Allen; Editing by Bill Rigby)
