Four planets will be visible during the Great American Eclipse


As the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse gets closer and closer, space junkies from across the country (and the world) are making preparations and travel arrangements for the once in a lifetime celestial event.

Dubbed the "Great American Eclipse," the mind-blowing experience's last comparable event occurred a century ago.

But, depending upon where you go, there may be another reason to look forward to it... or four.

Find out the states where you can see the total solar eclipse of 2017

In areas that will see the complete total eclipse, star gazers will be able to catch a glimpse of four planets: Mercury, Mars, Venus and Jupiter. To get the full eclipse experience, you'll probably do best heading up to a location along the 70-mile path spanning from Oregon to South Carolina.

That Monday, the moon will completely block the sun's face for up to three minutes as the sun's corona, or outer atmosphere, radiates around the moon.

Boise, Idaho, Kansas City and Nashville rest among a number of areas along the eclipse's path of totality that observers will be able to see the planets.

SEE ALSO: Everything you need to know about the great American eclipse of 2017

According to The Denver Channel, Jupiter will be visible to sky watchers positioned under the eastern sky. Venus will be visible just toward the western edge of the sun's halo, and Mercury and Mars will be seen even closer to the sun and moon.

In areas experiencing a partial solar eclipse, observers will have to wait until the sun sets for Jupiter to be visible in the night sky.
