Trump disapproval rating hits new record high

One week after former FBI Director James Comey testified to Congress that the president had lied to the American public, President Donald Trump's disapproval rating has hit a new record high.

According to the latest Gallup data, 60 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president, a new high point for disapproval. His approval rating has dropped to 36 percent concurrently.

SEE MORE: Trump's approval rating steadily slides -- See what he's been up to

The new disapproval rating breaks Trump's earlier record of 59 percent disapproval, which the president hit in March.

Out of the previous three presidents -- including Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama -- Bush is the only other president who reached the 60 percent disapproval mark, but Trump reached the record far quicker.

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Bush's approval rating hit a high mark in the wake of the September 11 attacks and then proceeded to slowly decline over the remaining years of his presidency. He crested 50 percent disapproval in 2005 and never saw his disapproval drop below that point throughout his remaining years in office.

Bush reached a 60 percent disapproval rating in 2006. Bush's all-time disapproval record, according to Gallup, was 71 percent, a milestone he reached shortly before the 2008 election of Barack Obama.

Trump has averaged a 40 percent approval rating and 54 percent disapproval rating during his 20 weeks in office, according to the Gallup data.

He entered the White House with the lowest approval rating of any president in the history of Gallup's tracking of that data.
