CDC experts warn against touching ducks, geese and chickens

It's normal for children to play duck, duck, goose.

However, doctors warn against playing with real feathered friends.

Ducks, geese and chickens spread salmonella.

Cases were through the roof in 2016 with 895 people contracting salmonella from interacting with fowl.

Those are record numbers!

From January to May of 2017, at least 372 have gotten sick from touching pet ducks, chickens and geese, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Kids, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems are susceptible.

The bacteria can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting and fever.

Always remember to wash your hands after touching birds and don't eat close to them.

Even if what your eating does taste like chicken.

RELATED: Poisonous animals
