Angry man releases hundreds of bed bugs in government office

A Maine man who was dissatisfied with service at a local municipal office slammed a cup of live bed bugs on the counter on Friday, releasing 100 tiny pests into the room, the Kennebec Journal reports.

The unnamed man went to the code enforcement office earlier that day to complain about bed bugs at his former apartment. He left to show a cup of the bugs to a manager at his new apartment and was told he could not live there.

He returned to Augusta City Center with the cup, but personnel told him that he did not qualify for assistance. That made him angry.

"He whipped out a cup (full of live bedbugs) and slammed it on the counter, and bam, off they flew, maybe 100 of them," City Manager William Bridgeo told the Kennebec Journal.

A few of the bugs landed on an employee on the opposite side of the counter.

Officials were forced to close the city office for the rest of the day so exterminators could come in and kill the bugs.

It is not known if charges will be filed.
