FOX News contributor brings up 'calls for internment' after London attacks, network responds

FOX News contributor Nigel Farage discussed the possibility of internment camps following Saturday's terrorist attack in London, leading the network to issue a clarification on-air.

On "FOX and Friends," Farage said a growing number of Britons support putting Muslims in internment camps.

SEE ALSO: President Trump sparks outrage for 'politicizing' London attacks

"We want some real action. We don't just want speeches given outside number 10 Downing Street. We want genuine action. And, if there's not action, the calls for internment will grow."

Click through tributes to the victims of the London Bridge attack:

However, Farage went on to say, "I'm not sure that is the right approach because the big danger with that is we might alienate decent, fair-minded Muslims in Britain."

After the segment, "FOX & Friends" co-host Clayton Morris said on-air that the idea of internment camps "reprehensible."

Morris said, "...on behalf of the network, I think all of us here find that idea reprehensible here at Fox News Channel."

The Guardian reports Farage is considered a "person of interest" in the FBI's investigation into Russian tampering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

He has called those accusations "preposterous."
