Homelessness in Los Angeles hits a new high after county supervisors declare a state of emergency

Homelessness in Los Angeles has hit a new high. There are 23 percent more homeless people in Los Angeles County this year than in 2016.

More than 57,000 people are homeless there.

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"They're talking about $100 million to try and help combat homelessness here," CBS Los Angeles reporter Joy Benedict said in 2015.

In 2016, county supervisors declared a state of emergency.

So what's at the root of the issue? High living costs in the city are partly to blame.

Efforts over the years haven't resolved the growing amount of homeless people. But Los Angeles officials and residents aren't ready to give up just yet.

A few months ago, voters there decided to up their taxes. That money will be funneled toward efforts to reduce homelessness, like providing housing units.
