Massive alligator caught on camera strolling toward photographer

A 10-foot-long alligator was caught on camera casually strolling toward a photographer.

The creature, whose name is Snaggletooth, was filmed on the prowl at Florida's Big Cypress National Preserve.

The gator was named after a tooth that juts from his lower jaw, according to He has lived among residents at the preserve for more than 20 years.

His mate, "Big Momma," was nowhere to be seen -- but it's likely she was caring for their 32 babies at the time.

Residents say Snaggletooth not a nuisance or a danger at all.

"This animal has not shown signs of aggression toward any human," Carol Gowing said. She posted the original video on Facebook. "Instead, he has enabled many of us to witness what most people will never see or even come to know, true alligator behavior."

The photographer maintained a safe 15-20 foot distance from the gator at all times, as the park's guidelines mandate.

"The video is kind of shaky because I am walking backwards trying to keep a respectable distance between us!" she wrote. "AND used a zoom lens for those that are asking!"
