Canadian serial killer seen volunteering at elementary school

Karla Homolka, a convicted serial killer who murdered and raped three teen girls with her boyfriend Paul Bernardo in the early 1990s, was recently spotted volunteering at her children's elementary school in Montreal.

City News reports that the Canadian couple were known as the "Ken and Barbie" killers due to their attractive looks.

Homolka struck a controversial plea deal in which her sentence was reduced to just 12 years. She claimed that Bernardo abused her and forced her to murder their victims, including her own 16-year-old sister Tammy.

Footage later portrayed Homolka as a willing participant in multiple killings.

The convicted murderer was released in 2005 and married her lawyer's brother. She was last seen living in Guadalupe with her three kids in order to avoid media coverage.

According to City News, Homolka is now reportedly volunteering at the private Christian school that her children attend in Montreal. Parents complained to the principal and the school board, who were reportedly aware of Homolka's checkered past.

A spokesperson for the school said the convicted killer is "is not a regular volunteer and can never be alone with any children, either in school or churches."

"How would you feel knowing that your child is interacting with a person who is a serial killer?" a parent told the publication "It's not right."
