Artist adds urinating pug statue to Wall Street's Fearless Girl


During Women's History Month and in anticipation of International Women's Day in March, advertising agency McCann New York added a "Fearless Girl" statue opposite the Wall Street bull.

Originally, the statue was only to stay for the month. Now, it is extended until February 2018 -- with some hoping it has a permanent place on Wall Street.

The statue has been subject to several incidents since its installation, including a man humping it and other men donning her in Trump merchandise.

Now, a sculptor added his own take to Fearless Girl: a urinating pug statue.

The artist, Alex Gardega, claims the statue is "corporate nonsense" and disrespectful to the bull statue and its creator, Arturo Di Modica.

"It has nothing to do with feminism, and it is disrespect to the artist that made the bull," he told the New York Post. "That bull had integrity."

"I decided to build this dog and make it crappy to downgrade the statue, exactly how the girl is a downgrade on the bull," he continued.

The controversial addition drew a variety of reactions on social media:

On early Tuesday, the dog statue was removed.
