Video shows Trump bouncing along to Saudi sword dance

Donald Trump and other White House officials bounced along to a ceremonial Saudi sword dance in Saudia Arabia on Saturday outside the Murabba Palace, CNN reports.

Host TV captured video of the dance, which shows Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross dancing with swords on their shoulders in a line with men in traditional Saudi garb.

The president himself bobs back in forth, smiling widely, while White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, chief of staff Reince Priebus and chief economic adviser Gary Cohn appear a bit more reserved.

The traditional Saudi sword dance is known as the ardah. It combines dance, drumming and poetry, and often signifies the beginning of important events, like holidays or weddings, according to the United Nations.

In 2014, Britain's Prince Charles wore traditional robes and and carried a sword as part of his own tour of the Middle East. In 2008, former US President George W. Bush held a sword and linked arms with King Salman.

See how people have been reacting to Trump's performance:
