Ivanka Trump gets trolled over having a name tent without a title

The internet has not reacted kindly to a photo of Ivanka Trump leading a White House meeting on human trafficking.

On Wednesday, Ivanka tweeted an image of the attendees around a conference table with the message, "Human trafficking is a pervasive humanitarian epidemic both domestically and abroad. Together we are working to combat this critical issue."

However, one sharp-eyed user noticed that, unlike the others', her name tent did not have a title, prompting the comment, "the White House staffer in charge of printing out these things doesn't know what Ivanka does either."

As a Mashable report states, "It's not very clear in the photo tweeted from Ivanka, but if you zoom in on a high resolution press photo, Ivanka's title is blank."

The online response has been humorous and critical, with one person tweeting back an edited name tent that includes a website address and the words "All 'Ivanka' bracelets 20% off." And another user filled in her title as "Ministry of Kleptocracy & Nepotism."

Her official title is assistant to the president, notes NBC News.

Meanwhile, others pointed out to the body language of Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar, who was seated next to Ivanka; one person wrote, "Amy Klobuchar's reaction to Ivanka speaking here is priceless. This eyeroll should be on a campaign mailer for @amyklobuchar in 2020."
