Body language between Trump and Argentine first lady Juliana Awada has the internet suspicious


President Donald Trump hosted Argentine President Mauricio Macri at the White House Thursday to discuss ways to enhance the relationship between the U.S. and Argentina -- but photos from the meeting of Trump and Macri's wife, first lady Juliana Awada, sent the internet aflame with speculation instead.

RELATED: A look at body language between the Trumps and Macris

"Sorry @FLOTUS it looks like you might be getting Marla Mapled," a user tweeted after suggestive photos of the meeting emerged online.

The Trumps were photographed welcoming the Argentine leader and his wife on the South Lawn, where they discussed how to deepen relations between the two countries and other pressing matters such as security and trade. But amid photos of both leaders talking are videos and images of Trump's interaction with Mrs. Awada that has the internet lit with reactions about the two's body language.

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"President Trump all [over] President Mauricio Macri of Argentina's wife like a rash," a user tweeted along with a video of Trump hugging the Argentine first lady after the couples said their goodbyes.

Others suggested Melania Trump was suspicious of her husband's interaction with Awada.
