Poll: Majority disapprove of Trump's first 100 days as president


As President Donald Trump's 100th day in office grows closer, his overall job approval ratings continue to sink.

A new poll conducted by AOL News found that a majority of people surveyed disapprove of the way Trump has handled his job in the first 100 days of his presidency.

Of those polled, 53 percent said they disapprove of Trump's first 100 days, while 43 percent of respondents said they approve. Four percent said they were unsure.

Donald Trump's first 100 days

The 45th president entered office with a historically low approval rating -- and it appears he is set to make another historic mark this weekend.

The AOL News poll draws parallels to the latest Gallup survey data. Gallup reported on Saturday that 40 percent of those surveyed approve of the job Trump is doing in office.

By comparison, Trump's predecessor, former President Barack Obama, reached a 65 percent approval rating at his 100-day mark, according to Gallup. The polling service has tracked presidential approval ratings since President Harry S. Truman's administration.

President Bill Clinton is the closest in recent history. He is recorded as having a 55 percent approval rating in April of his first term.

There are certainly multiple possible reasons for Trump's low approval numbers, including factor that his administration has been plagued by several controversies.

Michael Flynn, the president's first pick for National Security Adviser, resigned after just 25 days in office. Flynn misled Vice President Mike Pence and senior White House officials on details surround his communications with Russian officials.

Trump's proposed travel bans have been blocked twice by federal judges, and the Republicans' effort to repeal and replace Obamacare was unsuccessful.

Trump has made 35 campaign pledges but has only addressed 17 of his during his first few months in office, reports the TODAY Show.

However, President Trump has made headway with executive orders. He's inked 30 executive orders in his first 100 days -- more than any president since WWII. Obama signed 19 over the same time period, and George W. Bush signed just 11.

** Polls conducted by AOL.com do not use scientific sampling. Surveys sample thousands of users and consistently reflect results to polls administered by other outlets.
