Report reveals most polluted cities in America

You might feel like you need to wear a mask just to walk through Bakersfield, California.

It's winning all kinds of awards it doesn't want for having some of the dirtiest air pollution in America.

Number one for worst short-term particle pollution and number two for worst year-round particle pollution.

It also came in as runner-up for worst ozone pollution, behind the Los Angeles/Long Beach area.

The worst ozone pollution means the worst smog!

Findings are based on two years worth of data, from 2013-2015.

The American Lung Association just published their annual State of the Air report.

The Golden State gets a bad grade over-all, even though they've done more than any other state to combat air pollution, according to the experts.

When it comes to short-term particle pollution, six of the top 10 most polluted cities in America come from California.

Even worse, California has eight cities with the worst year-round particle pollution.

Things are so bad in California because of the increased number of individuals living there, which means more cars on the road.

Those perfect sunny skies don't help.

They're a big factor in high levels of ozone pollution.

Nearly four in 10 people live in a city where pollution levels are too dangerous to breathe.

This causes many serious health effects like cancer and asthma attacks.

American Lung Association experts are worried President Trump's plan to slash the Environmental Protection Agency's budget, including getting rid of the Clean Air Act, is gonna make us all choke.

Don't hold your breath for things to change.
