Wife of teacher suspected of kidnapping student: 'I love him but I don't trust him anymore'

The wife of Tad Cummins, the teacher suspected of kidnapping a 15-year-old student a month ago, was joined by the rest of the fugitive's family as she described how he has betrayed her trust.

Read: Teacher, Missing Student Spotted in Out-of-State Walmart Days After Disappearing

"The Tad I knew is gone," Jill told ABC News Friday. "It's very selfish of him to have done this to us so I'm mad part of the time and then sometimes I have this peace that comes from God and I do love him, but I don't trust him anymore."

Jill Cummins, who has since filed for divorce, added that she can't understand what led to the actions of her husband, who vanished with 15-year-old Elizabeth Thomas on March 13.

"He was my everything," she said. "He was my best friend for 31 years. It was, to me, the perfect marriage. We had everything we ever wanted, two beautiful kids, beautiful grandkids, and I really truly believed that he loved me."

Cummins' daughter, Erica Osborne, 29, pleaded with her father to return home.

"No matter where you are, Daddy, no matter what you've done, we just want you to come home," Osbourne told the network. "We miss you so much. We're here for you, no matter what anytime, anyplace, anywhere."

His daughter believes her father is running from his own ego and the humiliation he has brought onto his family.

"He wasn't running away from us; he wasn't running away from our family, he was running away from his own shame," she said.

Tad Cummins, 50, takes blood pressure medication and authorities believe there's a good chance his supply of the meds is about to run out.

Read: Elizabeth Smart's Father Says Teen Who Vanished With Teacher May Be Brainwashed

Pharmacists across the country are being asked to be on the alert in case Cummins tries to refill his prescription.

The last confirmed sighting of Cummins and the teen was at a Walmart in Oklahoma City on March 15, just two days after they fled Tennessee.

Authorities are asking that anyone with information call 1-800-TBI-FIND and that anyone who sees a car with Tennessee license plate number 976-ZPT call 911.

Tad Cummins is considered armed and dangerous.

Watch: Teacher Accused of Kidnapping 15-Year-Old Student Is Running Out of Life-Saving Meds: Authorities
