Canadian man jumps into icy pond to rescue dog

We often say we'd do anything for our pets, and one man proved just that.

Duncan MacIver didn't hesitate to jump in a freezing river when his pup, Cosmo, fell through thin ice at a park.

CTVEdmonton journalist Angela Jung shared a photo of the pair on Twitter:

Jung had come to the park in Alberta, Canada to talk about ice safety when she and her camera crew witnessed the event.

She held a candid interview with MacIver shortly after and shared it to Facebook:

MacIver said it was a split-second decision, and he did not waiver before jumping and save Cosmo. "As soon as the ice broke I just went right in," he said.

Both MacIver and Cosmo were safe, albeit pretty cold and wet. For MacIver, though, it was all worth it. He told Jung, "I think most people would do the same for their dogs."

Check out this cute ice cream parlor for dogs
