Welcome Aboard! Crew members on Turkish Airlines flight deliver baby girl mid-air

An unexpected passenger arrived on a Turkish airlines flight after her mom gave birth.

Nafi Diaby, who was reportedly only 28-weeks pregnant, went into labor on the Friday flight from the capital of Conakry to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, according to reports.

Read: What a Flybaby: Woman Gives Birth During Flight From Dubai to the Philippines

Crew members helped deliver the baby girl, named Kadiju, after Diaby laid across a row of seats.

"Welcome on board Princess!" Turkish Airlines wrote on Twitter along with photos of the newborn. "Applause goes to our cabin crew!"

See photos of the baby:

Read: Baby Born at Sea Under 'Extraordinary Circumstances' After Being Rescued From Overcrowded Boat

"The lady was in great pain," flight attendant Bouthayna Inanir told the Hurriyet Daily News. "And then the baby was on the seat. This was the hardest part. I had to grab the baby. I took her and gave her to the mother."

Diaby and her newborn were in good health, according to reports, but were taken to the hospital to be kept under observation once the plane landed.

Watch: Baby Born Midflight on Southwest Air Must Remain In Hospital For Weeks
